Stellar Vault

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Temporal Forces Energy Break! (108)

$109.99 AUD
$109.99 AUD

The ranks of Ancient and Future Pokémon continue to grow! Walking Wake ex breaks free of the past alongside Raging Bolt ex, while Iron Leaves ex delivers high-tech justice with Iron Crown ex. Outside Area Zero, Wugtrio and Farigiraf shift types as Tera Pokémon ex, and Pokémon Trainers everywhere prepare for the return of ACE SPEC cards with uniquely powerful effects. A rupture in time brings wild beasts and cyber visions to battle in the Scarlet & Violet—Temporal Forces expansion!

  • The energy break will consist of 108 booster packs
  • Each purchase comes with a selection of 1 of the 8 available energy cards
  • Energy selection is based on order of purchase
  • Each energy selection receives all the hits in each of those booster packs with the corresponding energy out of the total 108 booster packs
  • The bulk of the cards (non hits) will be split equally between all participants who would like them
  • The person who pulls the most valuable card from the three boxes will receive an Elite Trainer Box