Stellar Vault

Pokemon 151 Japanese Booster Box

$259.99 AUD
$259.99 AUD
Gotta catch 'em all! This POKÉMON TCG SV2a - Pokemon Card 151 Booster Box is a trainer's dream come true, featuring the return of Kadabra after an epic 20+ year hiatus, plus 9 of the OG Pokes including Mew ex and Alakazam ex. With 151 Pokédex-numbered cards, Giovanni's Charisma and a bonus new Tool card, Safety Goggles, you'll be ready to take on any challenge! Top chase cards include the master ball reverse holo Pikachu, master ball reverse holo Gengar & Charizard SAR!

  • 20 booster packs per booster box
  • 7 cards per booster pack
  • Language: Japanese